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Tak tau berita ni keluar di berita Malaysia tetapi di sini agak kecoh. Gempabumi berlaku di negeri Virginia, USA.
Lebih kurang 300 batu dari tempat saya (lihat peta).
Email dari pihak berkuasa Uni:
Shortly before 2 p.m. this afternoon, an earthquake struck the East Coast and tremors were felt on the Lehigh campus. According to news reports, the epicenter appeared to be Virginia, and may have measured as high as 6.0 on the Richter scale.
On the Lehigh campus, the alarm systems in several buildings along Packer Avenue were activated. Lehigh University Police Department and Facilities Services personnel responded. Those buildings have been reoccupied.
We will keep you informed of any additional developments.
Nanti senang-senang sikit saya cerita pengalaman saya.

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