Komentari Metal

Abang Mus (MEGADETH) buat projek!

…yang bernama RED LAMB. Bersama beliau Dan Spitz (ex-Anthrax). Sebenornya, Dan Spitz dah prepare lagu-lagu yang sepatutnya dirakam atas nama Deuxmonkey.

Keroje Abang Mus ialah bagi cantik lagu-lagu Dan Spitz. Penyudahnya, dia pun involved.

Projek Abang Mus yang dulu MD.45, tak berapa menarik pada Abang Ben (dua-dua Abang hahaha). Moga kali ni projek baik punya. Kata Abang Mus,

“[Dan] was working on a little side project, and I’d heard it a while ago and it kind of went by in passing ‘cause he was just starting it,” Mustaine said. “And I heard it about three weeks ago; he was almost done. And I said, ‘Man, I love this record.’ I said, ‘And do you think it’s done?’ And he goes, ‘Yeah.’ And he goes, ‘Why? What do you think?’ And I said, ‘Well, I would kind of do this and that.’ And he goes, ‘Really? Go ahead.’ And I went, ‘Really?’ So I rolled up my sleeves and I completely dedicated myself to Danny’s record for the last three weeks, working tirelessly in my studio on this record with him. And it’s that good. I heard it and I just went, ‘Oh my God!’ It’s like a cross between, say, DISTURBED, SOUNDGARDEN and RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE kind of thing. Little bit of some smatterings of ANTHRAX because of the speed stuff, but it’s much more modern and much more heavy sounding.”

 Bior bebenor Abang Mus… lari dari Metal yang marhaen dah tu.

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