

Bruce Dickinson, multi-talented artist telah pun siap dengan sebuah full-length film bertajuk Chemical Wedding mengambil sempena album solo beliau. Dahsyat mamat ni!

Dah la bawak kapalterbang komersil, ada double Master degrees, pemain pedang taraf antarabangsa (among others)… sekarang jadi pengarah filem pulak.

IRON MAIDEN frontman Bruce Dickinson’s upcoming supernatural horror-thriller, “Chemical Wedding”, will be released in British cinemas on May 23.

“Chemical Wedding” will premiere at the London International Festival of Science Fiction and Fantastic Film at the Apollo West End Cinema in London on May 4. The film will also be unveiled at the Cannes Film Festival on May 17.

Dickinson, a trained pilot, is due to fly invited guests to Cannes on the band’s own Boeing 757 jet for the premiere.

The official trailer for “Chemical Wedding” can be viewed below.

“Chemical Wedding” wrapped principal photography in September with Julian Doyle at the helm. The film stars Simon Callow as a reincarnation of Crowley, once dubbed “the most evil man in Britain.” Callow’s character, Haddo, is a shy, stuttering professor.

“My experience with stages is obviously IRON MAIDEN and that sort of stuff,” Bruce said. “I’ve directed a few videos over the course of my rock ‘n’ roll past and I enjoyed them, I enjoyed directing videos. Writing movies a completely different thing. I wrote a couple of absurd comic novels — that came out as well, and you know, they did OK actually. So, writing is something that’s always sort of interested me, so this seemed like a good opportunity to learn the process, really.”

Nampak macam menarik tapi bila tengok trailer macam ada kureeeeng sikit. Macam B-grade film je. Harap-harap tak terlampau independent punya rilis, nanti susah nak dapat. Aku harap dapat tengok filem ni on DVD once rilis.

p/s: dalam kepala otak aku pikirkan dia patut direct filem komedi, in the veins of Spinal Tap. Maklumlah, pengalaman dia dalam IRON MAIDEN surely dapat apply kat movie, especially part-part kelakar tu. Badut pun ada dalam band (Nicko) hehehe…

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