Once Upon a Time – δΈ‰η”ŸδΈ‰δΈ–ει‡Œζ‘ƒθŠ± (Movie version) 2017

Finally. πŸ˜‚ Finally i can watch this movie.Β 
Okay, after all, i already wait for this movie after i watched drama version. This movie haven’t received good comment at China, but for me, i think this movie is good enough. You can’t expect as good as drama version. They are different. Drama version have every detail, and have third PoV. Every character have their own stories there. Suddenly, this movie only focus to Bai Qian and Ye Hua, not Su Su (yeah πŸ˜…) or Si Yin (forget them all! πŸ˜”). I can’t more sympathy for Su Su, or even Bai Qian. The paced just too fast for me, even i already watched that drama version. If not, i must more confused with the timeline.
But if you forget every detail (or compare this movie with drama version) you can enjoy the visualization, and the wardrobe just so great (forget that they’re too western, just admit it)! They’re so beautiful. Every detail and the actor/actress is so pretty. 😊 I love them all!Β 
The act (for Crystal Liu) is great, i can see that she already do her best for this role. But for Yang Yang’s act, too bad that he must compete with Mark Chao’s act as Ye Hua. Mark is veteran actor, andΒ  Mark‘s been winning a lot because that drama version was out first, and people already fell in love with his acting. In contrast to that, of course Yang Yang is lost.

For me, the biggest weakness of this film is in the script. I’m not hoping the story will be exactly the same, impossible for movie version have exactly same with drama version. But at least it could be refined to not broken and confusing. The beginning feels very solid, and continue to the end. Watch this must be very concentration.

While for the ending, because so many details of the story that many ambiguous and have a big hole, so the ending just give me ‘udah-gitu-doang?’ expression. πŸ˜’ I can understand why a lot of people say the story is bad, but not that rubbish. I think this movie worth to see, but do not compare with the version of the drama.
If you want to watch this movie by yourself, just check this one >>Β Once Upon a Time 2017 Movie Version

Visualization+Cinematography+Effect : 4.5/5.0
Acting : 4.0/5.0
Script+Storyline : 3.0/5.0
Overall : 3.8/5.0

And i need more A Li. πŸ’•

Either movie version or this-little-cute-lovey drama version. πŸ’•

Well, i’m gonna re-watch this drama version. πŸ˜†

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