Organized by Malaysian Structural Steel Association (MSSA) on 28/2-1/3 at Hotel Singgahsana, PJ.
Details of the program can be downloaded via this LINK.
Presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ir Shahir Liew, Head of Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.
Attended by more than 30 engineers, academics and graduate students.
Few critical points during the presentation:
- Wind engineering design is not really understood by the local engineers. Most of the time, the engineers attempted to consider wind as static loads when they are really not. It is fully dynamic loads.
- The Malaysian Standard in regards to wind load were adopted from the Australian Standard which is really not the actual case here. However, it is quite OK to adopt. Suggest to look into other standards in particular the American Standard which was used intensively during the presentation.
- Using the American Standard, just like any other codes, it will take one or two attempt before understanding how it works. Further, the American Standard is up-to-date. The British Standard is already obsolete.
- However, not all cases can be solved using the codes. For advanced structures, may need to have wind-tunnel experiments in order to get the actual wind behaviour. One of the best yet cheap wind-tunnel facility is available at NUS.
The presenter also showed us a few examples which were taken from the American professional examination questions and discussed the critical steps to be considered in the solutions.
This short course also carries 16-hours Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
If you have missed this course and wish to participate in the next round of presentation, please contact MSSA:
Level 10, Maju Tower, 1001 Jalan Sultan Ismail
Kuala Lumpur
50100 Malaysia

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