By the look of this cover, I would have thought she was a Lady Gaga wannabe. In an instance, she’s probably are. On second thought, after listening to this CD, I want to listen more. Her vocal is powerful. She is singing all her heart out. She is pushing herself on this part. Even on the cheesy part (read electric-filtered voice). Although most her songs are in the Gaga vein, but when she tried on the ballad such as on The Big White Room and Casualty of Love, it shows her potential more. However I feel that she just throw this Gaga image away because she really don’t need it. She can solely depends on her voice alone. Perhaps, a little bit of Pink! would do no harm for her image but otherwise, looking for anything else that is remotely original is recommended. She is definitely a watch. This debut can be easily forgiven. No, I like this. Go buy.
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